
Budgie 10.6.4 Released

Budgie 10.6.4 is the fourth minor release in the 10.6 series of our Budgie Desktop environment. This release contains bug fixes and build system improvements.
Budgie 10.6.4 Released
Joshua Strobl
Joshua Strobl
August 30, 2022
Budgie 10.6.4 is the fourth minor release in the 10.6 series of our Budgie Desktop environment. This release contains bug fixes and build system improvements. These changes are backported from our in-progress 10.7 series, which will feature major upgrades to Budgie Menu, our internal theming, and more. This development process allows us to focus longer-term on features and larger overhauls while still being able to address issues raised on our issue tracker in a timely manner.


  • Clock Applet: Update timezone if no custom timezone set. #92
  • Workspace Applet: Fixed a regression in Timeout / interval. #187
    • Fixes drag & drop. #182
    • Fixes right-click menu persistence. #184
    • Fixes some icon flickering. #183
  • build: Fix missing gio-unix-2.0 dependencies in files, preventing build under NixOS. #185

Contributor List

Budgie Desktop is developed by Buddies of Budgie, with contributors around the world. Here is a list of all the contributors that made this release possible:

Source Code

You can get the source code for this release here.

Supporting The Project

Did you know that you can financially support the Buddies of Budgie project? Buddies of Budgie was founded to provide a home for Budgie Desktop and your financial contribution can go a long way to supporting our goals for development, providing opportunities for financial compensation, leveraging no-compromise Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery systems for streamlining Budgie 10 and 11 development, and more
